Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Cheri Fanmi mwen,

(I hope that's right.)

Week 4 starts tomorrow!
Crazy right? If I was an English speaker, I'd be outta here. But, I'm not. So, yeah.
7 more weeks of this.... place.

To begin, I cant really tell you what happened this week.
My brains are fried.

I have a few stories, but I forgot already... Clock is ticking....

I had an interesting experience yesterday though.
As you all know, My Creole is coming along as smoothly as sand paper on asphalt. But, yesterday, as we taught "Robert" (Ro-bear) our roleplaying teacher, the plan of Salvation. Usually my conpanion takes the meat of everything, since his experience in French gives him a huge upper hand, While I sit there staring blankly, completely lost in the conversation. After I had read off the words I wanted to say about the Pre-Earth life, and the Fall, I asked Robert if he had any questions "Eske ou gen keyson?" And he did. That usually means I choke and my conpanion answers it. I have no idea what the question was that he asked. I had no idea what he said at all. But, something happened. I instantly opened my mouth without any hesitation, and spoke, and spoke, and spoke, for a good minute. It all came out perfectly. Smoothly, and it was properly structured. I had no clue what he had just said, or what I had just said. But he nodded, and looked really surpised. Along with my conpanion. I just sank back into my chair and forgot about it. I apperently answered he question concerning Bondye, ak Adan ak Ev, perfectly.

I didnt realize this until after class when my conpanion explained to me what had happened.

The Gift of Tongues is a real gift.
It worked. I opened my mouth, and stuff came out.

I preached in his language, like the scriptures said missionaries would..
Somewhere it says that. I dunno.

I honestly hate when I'm speaking English now a days. It's not like I know what I'm doing with Creole. But, when were all in class, speaking nothing but Creole, my mind feels empowered, and I feel like I'm making progress. Like I'm actually starting to get it!
Right when classes end, I get sad... Because the second they do, all that Creole is gone from me. And all I can say, are things like "Mwen gen pou pou nan tet mwen," (I have poop in my head.) and "Mwen Samble Fre" (I look fresh) And, other stupid stuff like that.

What else happened this week?

Oh, I got sick as heck. I'f I dont write very well, it's because I've got a feverish thing going on in my brains. So, Forgive me if I sound stupid. I went to the doctor, and he hooked me up with some dwogs.
Please dont send me any more stuff... If you do, send pictures, or small things. No more food please people.... I love you all, but I'm going to fail inspection. I have enough candy to hand out to all the missionaries in my residence 2 times over. You guys rock. Letters please!
My tiny corner is completely covered, and I cant get to my desk at all. It's stressfull.

Sister Montez! You are the best. I now proudly fly the Haitian Flag over my desk. I love it so much! You're the best!

12 minutes left...

On Sunday, In a daze of feverish fun, I watched Elder Hollands "Missions are Forever" MTC devotional.
Watch it.
It struck me with immense determination, and motivation. I cried like a baby.

I hope Elder Holland speaks tonight.

After the Devotional, I had a surprise guest at my Residence.

Elder Turek and Elder Magnum stopped by to say goodbye to me. I had partially avoided Elder Turek this week, knowing that I'd have to be saying my goodbyes, but the sucker got me.

We took some pictures, and talked a bit. 
I taught him how to troll people in Haitian Creole "Bon Istwa Neg." Which is basically "Cool story bro."

And then he did something that seriously sank deep into my heart.
He bore his testimony to me in Mandarin.
I have no clue what he said, and I cant even try to peice it together. But as he spoke, I had another one of those feelings, where, even though whats being said is in a different language, one I dont understand, the Power of the Spirit was in full force. I was touched. It was beautiful. I can't even describe the feeling I got, staring up at this giant among men, who's worked hard to learn, and grow, and be the best Mandarin missionary he could be, as he bore his testimony. It was a confirmation to me, that this is the Lords work. And that this is the True Church. And that, there is no other power, save it be the power of God, that we can accomplish this work. Last week I said, "I never thought I'd be sitting in the MTC next to my cousin, singing songs about Missionary work." This week i'll say..

I never thought in my wildest dreams, that I'd be so blessed as to hear the testimony, of my greatest friend, and role model, In a language he's strived so hard to learn, for the service, and work of the Lord. In the MTC, before he departs to bless the lives of countless people. I cannot believe, how great a blessing it has been for me, to stand there, listening to him pour out his heart. With a 12 week knowledge. His hard work, has been rewarded truly. And his motivation, dedication, spirit, and sincerity, has blessed me, and helped me in my own conversion, just as much as any of the people who he has started serving this day.

This is the true church of God.
This is the true work, and glory of the Lord. 
I know this with all my heart.

I only hope and pray, that I can be as strong, and valiant as an example, to others, as Seth has been to me.

If at the time, when he bore his testimony to me, If it wasnt full of a hundred guys in their underwear, screaming and yelling, with the stench of hotpockets in the air. I would have cried like a baby.
But it's okay. I did it just fine, as I wrote this letter.

Seth is one of the greatest missionaries, and men, this world will ever know. Scott, Susan. I know your son is a true representative of Christ. I hope you know, how great he is.

Next is Jaxsons turn. ;)

I love you all.
Thank you for your prayers.

Send me letters!
No more stuff!

1 minute over... Im a sinner.

 The Elder Tureks...
(this is from his first day there, when his cute cousin Elder Turek got to be his Host)

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